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Standing with Ukraine.

Dec 20, 2014
One of the many reasons why I like KI is the willingness to help others through charity events. The clothing attire to help Ukraine is awesome. Many thanks! I love how you always honor the veterans on Veterans Day, the charity mounts at Christmas, etc. etc.

Feb 12, 2015
I know it is highly unusual to bring up real-world events on these message boards, but given Kingsisle's new charity event I wanted to bring up a short message of thanks.

For those who are somehow unaware, Kingsisle has recently announced a charity event for the ongoing Russian-Ukranian conflict. To anyone interested, they have a donation page whose proceeds will all be given to aid Ukraine in its ongoing conflict, with a set of attire as a thanks for donating.

I'll keep this short and simple; this is a very good thing, and I am happy that Kingsisle has joined the growing number of people crying out against this unjust conflict. This charity event has the full support of myself and, I am sure, everyone else. I would readily encourage everyone who has the means to support Ukraine in this unfortunate time.

Thanks all for supporting our charity effort! It was a bit different than we've done charities in the past, but we're all glad it's been well received as it's for a good cause.

Jul 06, 2009
I bought two certificates, one for me and another for a friend. After I paid for them they disappeared. Where did they go and how do I access and share them?