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Allow teleporters to go to our other wizards' houses

Mar 30, 2014
It would be really handy if we could set our teleporters to go to the houses of other wizards on our account. That would make it easier to use our house resources (eg. tapestries, goody dispensers), or share our work with friends. It would also open up some new decorating possibilities, since we could then do multi-house projects using the same house more than once. I guess this would require being able to lock the destination of a porter when you pick it up. That would be handy for other purposes also--sometimes I want to move a porter but not change the target.

Jun 22, 2020
You can do this lol first click teleporter set the place via arrow then go to next house put down teleporter remember it goes one way enjoy

Mar 30, 2014
Thanks, but I think you misunderstood. Yes, we can make teleports to other houses but the houses have to be owned by the same wizard. If you set a destination on a teleporter and then move that teleporter through the shared bank to another one of your wizards, the destination gets lost. Because of this, we cannot make teleports between houses that we have on different wizards. I'd like to be able to do this.

Nov 22, 2008
It would be nice if when we moved teleporters through the shared bank they remembered their location so you could still port back.