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Housing Rates not being counted on Badge Page?

Jul 06, 2020
I was rating new Houses for the Castle Auditor badge (required to buy recipes) and when I checked the page it would freeze on 76/100 (now 96 as it was fixed for a minute, then stopped working again) Is there anyway to fix/prevent this from happening?

Jul 26, 2012
All though you can rate as many houses as you'd like, only the first 10 a day will count towards the castle rating badges. This was put in place to prevent people from just blazing through and "rating" houses as quickly as possible without any thought or consideration just to get the badges and rewards.

Mar 30, 2010
It is incredibly annoying to try to get the badges for this because of how glitchy it is. As far as I've heard apparently you should be able to rate 10 castles per day that count towards your badge but it doesn't even go up to 10. It randomly glitches and stops counting and it's so annoying, please fix this.

Jul 26, 2012
Colinfish17 on Feb 7, 2021 wrote:
It is incredibly annoying to try to get the badges for this because of how glitchy it is. As far as I've heard apparently you should be able to rate 10 castles per day that count towards your badge but it doesn't even go up to 10. It randomly glitches and stops counting and it's so annoying, please fix this.
Yeah I've noticed this too. I think I had one day where I was only able to go from 80 rated houses to 88 before it stopped counting. I've been trying to keep better track of how many houses I rate a day and taking screenshots both before I begin rating and after the counter stops increasing. I also avoid rating houses around 12 AM CST when the counter limit would reset. For two days so far I was able to get 10: I went from 106 to 116 and then 116 to 126. Today (February 11th) was the first documented day so far where I was only able to go from 126 to 135 before it stopped counting.

I'll probably continue to keep close track over the next several days and submit a bug report unless there is some other explanation for why it counts less than 10 a day.