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Thoughts On An Auto Sell Feature

May 31, 2014
I pose a question, what would people think of an auto sell feature for drops while farming that you could turn off?

What if you could make it to where, say you keep getting an item you could mark that item for auto sell and it would sell it automatically, for example your farming waterworks and you have everything but the robes and your filling up on space and you keep getting the same items over and over and it fills up your inventory instead of having to stop and decide what your gonna save and what your gonna sell you've already set it to where it sells that item automatically it would save time and you wouldn't have to worry about your inventory filling up and risking losing the item that you where after. Just a thought lets here what y'all think.

Also, on a side note it would be cool if we could select what kind of gear we are wanting to get, i.e. robes, hats, etc. and it would give a higher chance or it would sell all the other stuff so you could just fill your inventory with said item type.

Apr 05, 2022
useddragonborn on Dec 2, 2022 wrote:
I pose a question, what would people think of an auto sell feature for drops while farming that you could turn off?

What if you could make it to where, say you keep getting an item you could mark that item for auto sell and it would sell it automatically, for example your farming waterworks and you have everything but the robes and your filling up on space and you keep getting the same items over and over and it fills up your inventory instead of having to stop and decide what your gonna save and what your gonna sell you've already set it to where it sells that item automatically it would save time and you wouldn't have to worry about your inventory filling up and risking losing the item that you where after. Just a thought lets here what y'all think.

Also, on a side note it would be cool if we could select what kind of gear we are wanting to get, i.e. robes, hats, etc. and it would give a higher chance or it would sell all the other stuff so you could just fill your inventory with said item type.
Heeyyyyy! This is a very interesting idea!

Definitely something we can look into, I'd also like to see what others think about something like this.

Thanks for the idea!!

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009