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New PVP idea

Jul 03, 2015
A gauntlet that Diego the Duel Master and Merle Ambrose with the help of Gamma lead the storyline. The gauntlet comes with a leaderboard for earned points. My hope is that if this idea is successful it can show up in the events tab like Beast moon, or be a permanent addition. Here are the ideas I have with the gauntlet, the objective being that it is a random and equal challenge for all regardless of previous PVP ranks and experience.

Location of gauntlet: PVP arena

Type of gauntlet: Solo

Level of entry: 140 and below

Restrictions: No pets, no treasure cards

Given: An armor set with stats like that of the full PVP warlord set, a deck set up per type of strategy to choose from (Offensive, defensive, well-balanced, etc.) according to the individual wizard's school, All spells go up to level 140 or max level in the given deck sets, a golden key for a key boss fight upon entry, and a shadow, health, and mana boost accordingly if the wizard is not max in level.

Reward system: 1 point per regular fight, 2 points per key boss fight successfully won

Suggestions for the enemies that I have in mind are as follows:
Original enemies (bosses, elites, minions alike) selected randomly to appear in the gauntlet
World selections for the enemies are scrambled (Like Polaris-Wizard City, Azteca-Wysteria)

There is one boss fight at the end if all are paired evenly, two enemies per fight. The boss fight at the end, fight no. 10 is Malistare. Malistare is randomly chosen from as well and will be alone regardless of which one is summoned.

Key boss fights: Key bosses are found throughout the gauntlet, of varying difficulty and the boss is alone inside, no minions, and if minions are summoned by the boss then only 1 minion can spawn at a time.

Keep in notice - Everything will be returned to you once you leave the gauntlet, and everything will be temporarily removed from you upon entering the gauntlet.

The leaderboard is there for viewing and no rewards have been decided on for winning the top places. If rewards are added for that, then the idea is that they cannot be used to boost individuals more than the given inside of the gauntlet.

Sep 19, 2013
What does this have to do with PvP? This seems like a PvE dungeon that you're shoving into the arena. It sounds interesting but has nothing to do with players fighting.