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Idea about scaling textures for castle blocks

Mar 30, 2014
A lot of decorators would love to be able to change the textures of castle blocks, and I understand that something like this may be in the works :). I'm wondering about how the textures would be scaled when the blocks are grown or shrunk. A lot of people grow the blocks to make larger architecture and save on the item count. The textures normally grow or shrink with the object, But it would be really nice if we could choose whether to scale the texture or keep it at 1x size. So for instance if you are trying to build a room that matches the look of a premade house, then you could opt to keep the room's wallpaper at 1x scale, not the 3x texture you now get if you max grow castle blocks. Not sure this would be easy for every paper but it seems like it could work for most of them. It would provide a better match in many cases, and also open up some new creative options. Thanks for considering :)