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Beastmoon Hunt Progress

May 01, 2013
So I have been playing beastmoon hunt the past few days and I notice that under the progress screen the only stats registering are "Harvested Plants". All the other listed activities progress bar are completely blank. What is the purpose of a progress bar if it doesnt actually keep track of what you are doing? I would like to be able to review my stats. ie: how many matches Ive won, captures, defeats of opponents and level ups. I dont understand the relativity or accuracy. I want to be able to calculate my points and compare them.

lalabugu on Aug 7, 2019 wrote:
So I have been playing beastmoon hunt the past few days and I notice that under the progress screen the only stats registering are "Harvested Plants". All the other listed activities progress bar are completely blank. What is the purpose of a progress bar if it doesnt actually keep track of what you are doing? I would like to be able to review my stats. ie: how many matches Ive won, captures, defeats of opponents and level ups. I dont understand the relativity or accuracy. I want to be able to calculate my points and compare them.
Is this still showing for you? I thought we recently fixed this.