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What's Your Homeworld in Wizard101?

Dec 20, 2008
Hello, my name in wizard101 is Kieran Moonflame, but thats not really important to the topic, I just wanted to know what other players would consider their "Homeworld" in Wizard101! Whether it be because its just really, really awesome, or reminds you the most of home! I know, that the game says that you "Came from a realm that does not believe in magic, but I've never really liked it. Since you didn't seem to be invited like Hogwarts in Harry Potter, just whisked away, and I Always though "Wait, what about my parents?! What about my Family!? My friends!?" So, in order to stop myself from asking ridiculous questions, I decided to make a world in Wizard101 my homeworld!

I choose Avalon, since that world is by far my favorite, and something about a Pyromancer named "Moonflame" just reminds me of that world. The world is really fitting to the outfits i prefer to wear too, and I'd blend in really well if I could go there in real life.

So what worlds did you choose?
You can Choose any world, except for Dragonspyre, (since its impossible to live there)
You can also choose from side-quest worlds like Darkmoor, or worlds from Pirate101!

Be sure to give a reason!

Jun 17, 2012
Marleybone, best combat music and villains.

Dec 30, 2012
I am not too sure.
I think Empyrea will be cool for a storm wizard, so I think that will be it.
However I do like the idea of a storm wizard from either Avalon or Aquila.

Apr 23, 2012
I would say Khrysalis as my home world, because I like the way they included bees in the story.(btw the honey bee is one of my favorite insect.)

Jul 09, 2011
Mooshu. It's got great history and it has that life feel to it.

Sean Rainbowhunter level 47

Jul 28, 2013
Marleybone, Looks real and has epic balloon car rides. Dogs in the street are so real looking.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
Storm: Aquila as she is the daughter of Morganthe and Zeus
Ice: Unknown
Myth: Aquila, her existance is tied to the world's energy
Death: Darkmoor, she was born from concentrated darkness
Fire: Dragonspire, she was a reincarnation of a young dragon
Life: Mooshu, as an orphan she was adopted and trained by the monks

The origins of my wizards :D