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hybrid pet

Nov 03, 2010
Is it possible to make a new hybrid pet or is it just the ones people already know about.
I have been trying to make a new hybrid but it seems nobody has a wraith pet i was trying to see if there was any way to make a death efreet pet. If any body knows if you can make a hybrid please tell me

Hunter lionthorn level 91

Feb 13, 2010
The hatching process is pretty simple, two school pets produce a hybrid pet. There aren't any hybrid pets that can be produced (that I know of) without the parents being school specific pets. For example, if you hatch a wraith and a helephant, you have a CHANCE at getting an Archfiend. If you hatch a wraith and a colossus, you have a chance at getting a Frostlord. As far as the hatching goes, the pets both need to be from the same level quest for each school. (For example, you couldn't hatch a phoenix with a wraith for a hybrid, it would always give you another phoenix.) You'd need to hatch a phoenix with another school specific pet that is obtained at level 58 to have a chance at getting a hybrid pet. I'd recommend reading the wiki to see a list of hybrids you can create. Hope this was helpful :)

Ryan Firegem level 90

Feb 27, 2009
It really does seem like it, now most people hatch for fourth or fifth generation pets for double resist because the fools are too low level to farm for all around the board resistance themselves. I hatch for the hope of hybrids, in my 48-58 zone, I gained an addiction of hatching my zilla with countless people. I think I should get on my wizard just to level him up six times just to get an adult Wraith on the market for once XD.

Marcus Suncrafter, lvl 69, Scot Trollhunter, lvl 42(Scot is currently inactive)

Feb 27, 2009
Oh, and one more thing, a Fangbat and the Inferno Cat hatch the Firebat (hybrid). Just note that it's different the Firebat given out in 2010 when some people lost their stuff do to a glitch (I'm glad I didn't loose anything, but then again, I thought a had 3 Troll pets not 2.)

Marcus Suncrafter, lvl 69

Sep 17, 2012
There's only 3 hybrid Efreets known, (Marid), (Jinn) and (Genie). It doesn't necessarily mean it's not possible, but I would say it's very doubtful.

Oct 24, 2010
hunter lionthorn on Mar 27, 2014 wrote:
Is it possible to make a new hybrid pet or is it just the ones people already know about.
I have been trying to make a new hybrid but it seems nobody has a wraith pet i was trying to see if there was any way to make a death efreet pet. If any body knows if you can make a hybrid please tell me

Hunter lionthorn level 91
You cannot create a 'new' hybrid. KI determines what hybrids can and cannot be hatched.

Nov 03, 2010
Well hopefully kingsisle sees these and decides to make a way to make a death pet so that you can hatch with a efreet to make a death efreet

Hunter Lionthorn level 91