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Which School is stronger you ask?

Dec 27, 2014
As I've looked through the forums I've noticed a few with opinions about which is the strongest school. Now before we all start giving our answers, we first need to ask ourselves a question. Does strength mean the most damage or more reliable amount of damage? Now from my findings I've noticed something that I believe people are overlooking. Storm does the most damage per PiP used, but storm also has the highest fizzle rate of 70%. I run a storm mage and its nice damage, but I find myself raging at the amount of times I fizzle in fights. Ive seen the trend of damage spells with a low fizzle rate tend to have low damage. Meanwhile, damage spells that have a high fizzle rate to have higher damage.

So when you ask which is the stronger school, you need to add in how high is the chance of it fizzling on you. Having a lower fizzle rate enables you to do damage turn after turn making it do more damage throughout the fight overall. So think about this. Would you rather do 500 damage and fizzle the next two turns, OR, would you rather do 250 damage and continue doing that much damage the next two turns?

Now, with me saying all this thus far, there really isn't an answer to the constantly asked question of "Which is the strongest school". There are many variables to this equation that make it too difficult to answer.

Like I stated earlier, I'm storm myself though the amount of times my spells fizzle because of that 70% fizzle rate drives me insane. It's good damage, but horrible reliability.

Mar 17, 2011
GamingBear1 on Jan 8, 2015 wrote:
As I've looked through the forums I've noticed a few with opinions about which is the strongest school. Now before we all start giving our answers, we first need to ask ourselves a question. Does strength mean the most damage or more reliable amount of damage? Now from my findings I've noticed something that I believe people are overlooking. Storm does the most damage per PiP used, but storm also has the highest fizzle rate of 70%. I run a storm mage and its nice damage, but I find myself raging at the amount of times I fizzle in fights. Ive seen the trend of damage spells with a low fizzle rate tend to have low damage. Meanwhile, damage spells that have a high fizzle rate to have higher damage.

So when you ask which is the stronger school, you need to add in how high is the chance of it fizzling on you. Having a lower fizzle rate enables you to do damage turn after turn making it do more damage throughout the fight overall. So think about this. Would you rather do 500 damage and fizzle the next two turns, OR, would you rather do 250 damage and continue doing that much damage the next two turns?

Now, with me saying all this thus far, there really isn't an answer to the constantly asked question of "Which is the strongest school". There are many variables to this equation that make it too difficult to answer.

Like I stated earlier, I'm storm myself though the amount of times my spells fizzle because of that 70% fizzle rate drives me insane. It's good damage, but horrible reliability.
1 you are playing storm wrong then

2 i have a level 68 who is storm and almost never fizzle even with the trap spell that are suppose to make you fizzle he still dose not fizzle

3 only time storm truthfully has a problem with there fizzle rate is around the 20 and 30s because now a day if you combine the right gear and pet you can knock out fizzle for good

and with my power rate truthfully storm becomes the most powerful class the only true bad part is storm resistance and health

so really think about it with the new gear storm can get up to 70 something resistance 4000 health 107 maybe more power 456 critical rate and 100 gold pip chance 20 piercing with about 65 accuracy and crirtcal block i not sure anymore but i have seen all these states so only true weakness storm has is it health.

level 100
level 68

Feb 16, 2011
sliver moon wolf on Jan 8, 2015 wrote:
1 you are playing storm wrong then

2 i have a level 68 who is storm and almost never fizzle even with the trap spell that are suppose to make you fizzle he still dose not fizzle

3 only time storm truthfully has a problem with there fizzle rate is around the 20 and 30s because now a day if you combine the right gear and pet you can knock out fizzle for good

and with my power rate truthfully storm becomes the most powerful class the only true bad part is storm resistance and health

so really think about it with the new gear storm can get up to 70 something resistance 4000 health 107 maybe more power 456 critical rate and 100 gold pip chance 20 piercing with about 65 accuracy and crirtcal block i not sure anymore but i have seen all these states so only true weakness storm has is it health.

level 100
level 68
Since when did basing the strength on school depend on their gear? If you did the same thing the OP did then you would see why you're wrong.

Storm does has terrible accuracy. Even with my gear my storm still almost always fizzles. It's not that I'm not playing storm right. Since when did playing a school become working on their weaknesses?

In the 20's and 30's obviously you're going to fizzle a lot because you don't have the gear. Once again this is about the strongest school not what the gear helps with!

So Storm can't take what it dishes out. It's a glass cannon. Since when did damage show how strong a school is? They have terrible health, accuracy. Almost no resist until later levels WITH gear, and bad block. So you're saying that one little pro beats out all those cons? No. They don't.

Storm is a powerful school don't get me wrong, but just because they have great damage it doesn't mean their weaknesses are non-existent. Ice for example has the worst damage yet they make up for it with high health and can take the punishment. So just because they have bad damage means they're a weak school? No. Life also one of the bad damage schools. Second to Ice. They have insane healing and carry the entire team on their backs. Yet they're considered weak because of low damage. Yet all you see is other wizards especially storm pick these to schools for Tower Shield and Satyr and even use mastery amulets with life.

So tell me now. Is Storm REALLY the strongest school


Sep 05, 2010
There is no strongest school. Every school has major advantages and major disadvantages. Kingsisle did an amazing job at balancing each and every school so that none of them are over-powered.

Most single-hit damage / lowest health and accuracy.
Most health and best defense / low damage.
Most over-time damage / low health and accuracy.
Stealing health from enemies / "good and bad" spells, like feint, bad juju, and empower. Also, their damage can be sometimes low.
Most healing spells and best accuracy / low damage.
Most minions, minion buffing spells, and great at taking down defenses / sometimes low damage, and weaker without minions.
Offensive and still defensive, good at team play, spells with multiple-school attack like hydra / can be bad at solo sometimes and no balance-only boosts.

Sep 07, 2011
The "strongest" school is the one you develop and play to best effect. That's what matters.

Oct 24, 2010
NerdyHamster on Jan 8, 2015 wrote:
There is no strongest school. Every school has major advantages and major disadvantages. Kingsisle did an amazing job at balancing each and every school so that none of them are over-powered.

Most single-hit damage / lowest health and accuracy.
Most health and best defense / low damage.
Most over-time damage / low health and accuracy.
Stealing health from enemies / "good and bad" spells, like feint, bad juju, and empower. Also, their damage can be sometimes low.
Most healing spells and best accuracy / low damage.
Most minions, minion buffing spells, and great at taking down defenses / sometimes low damage, and weaker without minions.
Offensive and still defensive, good at team play, spells with multiple-school attack like hydra / can be bad at solo sometimes and no balance-only boosts.

Oct 24, 2010
MustachCashDash on Jan 8, 2015 wrote:
Since when did basing the strength on school depend on their gear? If you did the same thing the OP did then you would see why you're wrong.

Storm does has terrible accuracy. Even with my gear my storm still almost always fizzles. It's not that I'm not playing storm right. Since when did playing a school become working on their weaknesses?

In the 20's and 30's obviously you're going to fizzle a lot because you don't have the gear. Once again this is about the strongest school not what the gear helps with!

So Storm can't take what it dishes out. It's a glass cannon. Since when did damage show how strong a school is? They have terrible health, accuracy. Almost no resist until later levels WITH gear, and bad block. So you're saying that one little pro beats out all those cons? No. They don't.

Storm is a powerful school don't get me wrong, but just because they have great damage it doesn't mean their weaknesses are non-existent. Ice for example has the worst damage yet they make up for it with high health and can take the punishment. So just because they have bad damage means they're a weak school? No. Life also one of the bad damage schools. Second to Ice. They have insane healing and carry the entire team on their backs. Yet they're considered weak because of low damage. Yet all you see is other wizards especially storm pick these to schools for Tower Shield and Satyr and even use mastery amulets with life.

So tell me now. Is Storm REALLY the strongest school

Storm has the most powerful base spells. That is strength. However, due to the higher damage, they also have the highest fizzle rate and lowest health. This balances the school out. And no one said or implied that there aren't weaknesses to Storm (or any other school). All schools have good and bad points.

It can be a frustrating school at first, but as posted, once you get to the level your storm wizard is, you should have gear boosting your accuracy. You don't need additional power. Resist is helpful, but your primary goal is accuracy.

My level 42 Storm rarely fizzles anymore. My little level 12 storm drives me nuts with her fizzles, but she'll get there.

You have to learn the nuances of each school. All schools can be extremely powerful if played correctly, including Life. My Life wizard is level 55 in Celestia and is rarely defeated by mobs/bosses. And I play solo, so her healing ability has nothing to do with it, except to keep me alive.

Mar 17, 2011
MustachCashDash on Jan 8, 2015 wrote:
Since when did basing the strength on school depend on their gear? If you did the same thing the OP did then you would see why you're wrong.

Storm does has terrible accuracy. Even with my gear my storm still almost always fizzles. It's not that I'm not playing storm right. Since when did playing a school become working on their weaknesses?

In the 20's and 30's obviously you're going to fizzle a lot because you don't have the gear. Once again this is about the strongest school not what the gear helps with!

So Storm can't take what it dishes out. It's a glass cannon. Since when did damage show how strong a school is? They have terrible health, accuracy. Almost no resist until later levels WITH gear, and bad block. So you're saying that one little pro beats out all those cons? No. They don't.

Storm is a powerful school don't get me wrong, but just because they have great damage it doesn't mean their weaknesses are non-existent. Ice for example has the worst damage yet they make up for it with high health and can take the punishment. So just because they have bad damage means they're a weak school? No. Life also one of the bad damage schools. Second to Ice. They have insane healing and carry the entire team on their backs. Yet they're considered weak because of low damage. Yet all you see is other wizards especially storm pick these to schools for Tower Shield and Satyr and even use mastery amulets with life.

So tell me now. Is Storm REALLY the strongest school

OK so where talking no gear at all

then none of the classes are strongest there all the same

and also yes you work on you weakness ice you want to have a little power so you can get a good hit to take down health but you also wanna keep good resistance and if you don't work on you weakness your going be easy to take down just because you have a lot of health dose not mean it wont drop fast and storm without working on you weakness you just going to have a lot of fizzle

and the classes with out there gear don't have much health so that makes everybody fair game and everybody fizzle as bad as storm expect for life with out gear

also with out gear means 0 resistance

and yes you are playing wrong as a storm if you are not getting gear to make your weakness less of a weakness because it makes you a easy kill

also every class has a weakness as that one person said that what makes the game so balance out

Mar 17, 2011
MustachCashDash on Jan 8, 2015 wrote:
Since when did basing the strength on school depend on their gear? If you did the same thing the OP did then you would see why you're wrong.

Storm does has terrible accuracy. Even with my gear my storm still almost always fizzles. It's not that I'm not playing storm right. Since when did playing a school become working on their weaknesses?

In the 20's and 30's obviously you're going to fizzle a lot because you don't have the gear. Once again this is about the strongest school not what the gear helps with!

So Storm can't take what it dishes out. It's a glass cannon. Since when did damage show how strong a school is? They have terrible health, accuracy. Almost no resist until later levels WITH gear, and bad block. So you're saying that one little pro beats out all those cons? No. They don't.

Storm is a powerful school don't get me wrong, but just because they have great damage it doesn't mean their weaknesses are non-existent. Ice for example has the worst damage yet they make up for it with high health and can take the punishment. So just because they have bad damage means they're a weak school? No. Life also one of the bad damage schools. Second to Ice. They have insane healing and carry the entire team on their backs. Yet they're considered weak because of low damage. Yet all you see is other wizards especially storm pick these to schools for Tower Shield and Satyr and even use mastery amulets with life.

So tell me now. Is Storm REALLY the strongest school

also forgot to put this every class use ice and life only for tower block and life for it heals sent they have the best healing

Aug 11, 2013
GamingBear1 on Jan 8, 2015 wrote:
As I've looked through the forums I've noticed a few with opinions about which is the strongest school. Now before we all start giving our answers, we first need to ask ourselves a question. Does strength mean the most damage or more reliable amount of damage? Now from my findings I've noticed something that I believe people are overlooking. Storm does the most damage per PiP used, but storm also has the highest fizzle rate of 70%. I run a storm mage and its nice damage, but I find myself raging at the amount of times I fizzle in fights. Ive seen the trend of damage spells with a low fizzle rate tend to have low damage. Meanwhile, damage spells that have a high fizzle rate to have higher damage.

So when you ask which is the stronger school, you need to add in how high is the chance of it fizzling on you. Having a lower fizzle rate enables you to do damage turn after turn making it do more damage throughout the fight overall. So think about this. Would you rather do 500 damage and fizzle the next two turns, OR, would you rather do 250 damage and continue doing that much damage the next two turns?

Now, with me saying all this thus far, there really isn't an answer to the constantly asked question of "Which is the strongest school". There are many variables to this equation that make it too difficult to answer.

Like I stated earlier, I'm storm myself though the amount of times my spells fizzle because of that 70% fizzle rate drives me insane. It's good damage, but horrible reliability.
ahh but what you REALLY need to look at in regards to fizzle rate. Is how you choose your gear. IOW which stats in your gear are you picking for? I have chosen before for crit first, accuracy second..everything else a distant third.. Now with my standard gear I still fizzle from time to time. But most of the time with a something like 30% accuracy rate..I power through even a 45 or 50% smoke screen more than half the time. . Now with my newest darkmoor gear that accuracy rate has dropped a few points so now I fizzle a little more but not much. I run 4 wizards. My max level storm. my max level ice, level 45 death and level 20...some odd life. My ICE fizzles more than my storm and my Death fizzles more than both of them. Doesn't help that my secondary on death is fire so the accuracy there sucks sump water.
I'll watch some of my other friends who've chose for accuracy and say...block or health. I end up stunned at their low crit rate but equally stunned by the fact they rarely fizzle

May 15, 2012
every school has its ups and downs but different schools are for different play styles but balance can be adapted to play any roll and its good at soloing with the addition of gaze of fate since its a 2 hit gives balance a damage bubble i have ended alot of solo battles with gaze of fate since i got the shadow enchaced spell just because my school of choice doesn't get a balance only boost doesn't mean its worthless or just a support school i've seen life, ice, and as a balance i've also been a hitter if you want more damage with more accuracy for myth or balance are good choices since they can both dish out the damage as well as take some hits but actually in the best way balance is the best schools since it can heal, support, tank, and be a hitter with some of the best ones there so in the ends it all depends on teh play style you perfer