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Jun 19, 2013
Is there a spell you can get for berserk or just the tc card? I like the card but would rather have it in my main deck instead of tc.

Jul 11, 2011
I believe there is a Berserk out of TC, but i don't believe you can actually get it in the deck. My friend has the Berserk card from one of his amulets i believe. One card from an amulet might not seem so much, but it saves a lot of gold over time.

-Travis Redweaver LvL 80

Jul 03, 2010
4t87bcr5 on Aug 9, 2013 wrote:
Is there a spell you can get for berserk or just the tc card? I like the card but would rather have it in my main deck instead of tc.
Try looking in Zafaria in the second area - Zumba or something like that. Do the quest that repairs the obelisk it's there.

Oct 24, 2010
4t87bcr5 on Aug 9, 2013 wrote:
Is there a spell you can get for berserk or just the tc card? I like the card but would rather have it in my main deck instead of tc.
The spell is from the Sun school and can be trained:


Oct 22, 2011
You can only get it as a regular spell if you are a Death wizard. If you train Death as a secondary school, it's not one of the spells you can train for. So, TC is the way to go for all schools, except for Death.

EDIT: Oops, I totally forgot it was a Sun school trainable spell, so please accept my apologies for the error.

May 09, 2010
Yes, Its located in Zafaria if im not mistaken, in Zamunda. It is a main quest, you wont miss it.

Feb 06, 2010
Mar 12, 2013
zf star obelisk or whatever it's called, you unlock it with a quest in Zamunda.

Aug 20, 2010
4t87bcr5 on Aug 9, 2013 wrote:
Is there a spell you can get for berserk or just the tc card? I like the card but would rather have it in my main deck instead of tc.
You CAN train it. I didn't but you can!

Feb 29, 2012
You can train it but if you do use it, you will only use it until AZ and you unlock the higher level spell that gives multiple boosts.
I trained it because I had so many training points. I experimented and could never find a way to properly use it effectively, so it never made it into my deck.
Later on in the game you will not use it. Virulence (death bubble) gives like 25% damage boost, pip boost, and only a 10% incoming damage to 1 school.
Berserk might be useful if the damages were swapped, like 40% boost and 30% incoming. As it stands now it is not a worthy trade off.