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Armor breaker bug/annoyance

Dec 30, 2014
In another post I talked about my cunning seal pup getting stun resistant. Well, there's another problem. My pet also got armor breaker, which I learned to deal with, but right now I think it is bugged. When it got armor breaker, it automatically gave me +3%, which is the max it can give, without increased intellect or agility. However, when I pierce in battle, it only counts as a +2% pierce. It says +3%, but gives +2%. WHY???
I obviously figured this out in battle. The opponent cast a myth shield, and when I attacked with a myth spell, it said "PIERCED" as it usually does, but instead of the shield saying -77% from the pierce, it said -78%. This is quite annoying. I don't want +2% armor piercing when it literally says +3%...

All of my pet attributes except for intellect are full. Intellect raises armor piercing, so I'm hoping that it will bring the pierce up to 4% and give me +3%. Will this happen though? Or am I stuck with a +2% armor piercing talent that says +3%? Is there any way to fix this? What can I do???

Thanks in advance. Despite the occasional annoying bugs, which, to be honest, don't actually happen that often, I still love this game. I just wanted to say that in case anyone thought I was a hater or something .
Well, thanks for the help!