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New Worlds (Story lines also)

Apr 26, 2009
Atlantis-Triton has died and his two sons posideon and neptune are fighting over who should have the crown of atlantis. Can you find Tritons wife so that the ocean can be at peace and punish those two and figure out who is the oldest and gets the crown?(STORM-WATER WORLD)

Galactica- Otherworldly beings are entering the spiral can you gather the leader of all the worlds and stop the intuders?(SPACE WORLD)

Yesteryear- Merele Ambrose has been taken. You must go back in time to see who would do this. What you don't know is that when Ambrose was born the war between magic had begun. Can you stop this war.

Poisonious- Filled with toxic fumes Merle has locked this world up because it might one day produce a monster that can destroy the spiral. A one dungeon world where you must first find the gas mask in all of the diffrent worlds you find that this might just poison the spiral.

Hope you like my ideas!