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I want my stuff!!!

Dec 24, 2008
I belive that house items from quests already completed should automatically be granted to players who completed the quests. Doing anything else would be extremely unfair and unsatisfactory. I don't want to have to spend months playing another character just to get items that I have already earned! Can you justify giving these rewards to other, newer players when ones who have worked just as hard have to do it all again to get them? When some of your loyalest players, people who have been with you since Day 1 are forced to gaze wistfully upon something they can't have? What say you, my fellow players, and you, the designers of this wonderful game? How can this possibly be right?

All the housing items available through quests can be traded, so you can do those quests with another character on that account.

All the housing items available through quests can also be obtained in other ways, be they purchased for gold, found in the world or dropped as rewards for duels.

Aug 04, 2008
All the housing items available through quests can also be obtained in other ways, be they purchased for gold, found in the world or dropped as rewards for duels.

Gamma, I have another question. What do you mean with "dropped as rewards for duels" ? Is it duel against other wizards in PvP or duel against boss enemies? Thank you.