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Just ignore it right?

Apr 11, 2010
Well today I passed by a wizard spamming religious stuff. I just ignore it, yes? It's spam but it isn't breaking the rules :/

I hope adults are more responsible than that...

Jan 24, 2010
CorbinW wrote:
Well today I passed by a wizard spamming religious stuff. I just ignore it, yes? It's spam but it isn't breaking the rules :/

I hope adults are more responsible than that...

I would treat this the same as if it was a religious peddler in a place of business or on a school campus. Such advertisement is a deliberate infringement of public space; although in this case it is private/paid for space. It can disrupt the positive atmosphere in the Spiral, and promote disharmony among wizards of differing spiritual paths. It is inappropriate speech in a children's game, and as a parent I would take offense.

I think you can report...At least once, so that KI knows this is happening in the spiral.

Yes, yes, I realize that I will offend at least one reader with my assessment, but that's OK. I'm wearing my flame-retardant asbestos suit this morning



Apr 11, 2010
queenlybluebean wrote:
CorbinW wrote:
Well today I passed by a wizard spamming religious stuff. I just ignore it, yes? It's spam but it isn't breaking the rules :/

I hope adults are more responsible than that...

I would treat this the same as if it was a religious peddler in a place of business or on a school campus. Such advertisement is a deliberate infringement of public space; although in this case it is private/paid for space. It can disrupt the positive atmosphere in the Spiral, and promote disharmony among wizards of differing spiritual paths. It is inappropriate speech in a children's game, and as a parent I would take offense.

I think you can report...At least once, so that KI knows this is happening in the spiral.

Yes, yes, I realize that I will offend at least one reader with my assessment, but that's OK. I'm wearing my flame-retardant asbestos suit this morning



I'm wary of making false reports and am pretty sure that this isn't reportable behavior. I am also aware of how in this game we have spells that deal with certain deity's from different peoples from different times. The fact is it was once believed and perhaps even still is by a handful of people that certain things like Ra, whatever do/did exist. So I find it arrogant for a player to try to slip into the game their own idea of who should/shouldn't be worshiped. It's nice to see another voice of reason here. I take peddling this stuff as more than just a disruption of harmony in the spiral, but it is a disruption to young minds as they develop critical thinking. reasoning skills, good logic and good sense.

But is it report worthy? It isn't as far as KI standards go. So I cannot report, I can only ignore and be disappointed that those people are around.

Feb 09, 2009
CorbinW wrote:
Well today I passed by a wizard spamming religious stuff. I just ignore it, yes? It's spam but it isn't breaking the rules :/

I hope adults are more responsible than that...

Hmm...I'd say that's pretty inappropriate. Religion, in my opinion, is a private activity that has little place in public and no place in a family game such as Wizard101. I'm not even fond of seeing subtle hints to religion in storylines or attacks. To be honest (and by all means call me biased), I would've reported them. Although we all have varying opinions on what should be deemed inappropriate in the game I'm sure many of us would agree that this is one of those things.

Oct 22, 2011
queenlybluebean wrote:
CorbinW wrote:
Well today I passed by a wizard spamming religious stuff. I just ignore it, yes? It's spam but it isn't breaking the rules :/

I hope adults are more responsible than that...

I would treat this the same as if it was a religious peddler in a place of business or on a school campus. Such advertisement is a deliberate infringement of public space; although in this case it is private/paid for space. It can disrupt the positive atmosphere in the Spiral, and promote disharmony among wizards of differing spiritual paths. It is inappropriate speech in a children's game, and as a parent I would take offense.

I think you can report...At least once, so that KI knows this is happening in the spiral.

Yes, yes, I realize that I will offend at least one reader with my assessment, but that's OK. I'm wearing my flame-retardant asbestos suit this morning



Qbb, you're safe with me! LOL

I'm not sure what the protocal is in regards to reporting religious spamming, but the OP and anyone else might contact Wizard101 support to find out if this is considered reportable or not. It may be considered sharing personal information.

Like anything in real life, everyone has different views and beliefs. Some may feel it's offensive and some don't.

Mar 18, 2009
queenlybluebean wrote:
CorbinW wrote:
Well today I passed by a wizard spamming religious stuff. I just ignore it, yes? It's spam but it isn't breaking the rules :/

I hope adults are more responsible than that...

I would treat this the same as if it was a religious peddler in a place of business or on a school campus. Such advertisement is a deliberate infringement of public space; although in this case it is private/paid for space. It can disrupt the positive atmosphere in the Spiral, and promote disharmony among wizards of differing spiritual paths. It is inappropriate speech in a children's game, and as a parent I would take offense.

I think you can report...At least once, so that KI knows this is happening in the spiral.

Yes, yes, I realize that I will offend at least one reader with my assessment, but that's OK. I'm wearing my flame-retardant asbestos suit this morning



KI does routine chat logs, so reporting is unnecessary. This is no different than the unwelcomed conversations already occuring in the commons (and aren't abusive, violent, swearing, etc). Either ignore, walk/port away or stick around and listen to it. The other option is to limit yourself on the open chat. Increased forms of communications always come with increased misuse of those communications, hence the 18+ requirement to see that chat (and protect children).

However, they will still be exposed to the teachings of the Great Mooda!

Jun 08, 2009
I'm actually not quite sure of the protocol for this. On one hand, it is a bit disruptive. On the other hand, Mooshu features a deity known as Moodha. Enough said. If a Moderator, maybe Proffessor Greyrose or Prospector Zeke, could post a course of action on this, it would help clear this matter up quite quickly.