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Furniture Jail Cell

Apr 06, 2011
When you're in your house placing the Jail Cell item, you can place it over yourself or anybody else in the room and trap them inside of it. The only way to get out is to have the other person pick it up and move it.

Feb 28, 2011
siddvicious wrote:
When you're in your house placing the Jail Cell item, you can place it over yourself or anybody else in the room and trap them inside of it. The only way to get out is to have the other person pick it up and move it.

Well then I hope anyone odd enough to try this makes sure they have a second person to get them out. But wait, if you trap yourself inside, arent you stuck? Because other people cant move your furniture or house items... Now i'm confused lol

May 28, 2009
...So...Uh what's the problem that you need us to solve? You can still port away. You can also run into an object. Since you can't put it on another object

Mar 13, 2011
siddvicious wrote:
The only way to get out is to have the other person pick it up and move it.

There's also the teleport buttons.