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What do you think is Ambrose's school?

Jan 10, 2011
Dec 04, 2009
BrokenStorm1998 wrote:
I think maybe balance? Idk does he tell us sometime?

i think Merle is ALL schools. And is able to beat any boss in the Spiral. just doesn't cause he wants new people to get the chance to experience what he already knows.

Sep 11, 2010
The colours of his clothes seem to indicate that he's Storm. Or at least having Storm as his primary school. Due to his advanced age and the honourable status as Headmaster, we can assume that he has specialised in all the schools of the Spiral (perhaps with the exception of the Astral Schools, due to the fact that they were only recently rediscovered).

I am also quite certain that Ambrose know of even more schools than the seven basic ones we are introduced to - after all, many of the Accuracy and Strenght spells, as well as a few Transmute spells, that we have had for practically forever, has recently been found to come from Celestia. Over time, they were assimilated into the schools we know of, though they still maintained their power and name.

We cannot tell for sure until Merle Ambrose gets into the spell-casting fray, however. I do, however, maintain that his primary school is Storm.

May 25, 2009
BrokenStorm1998 wrote:
I think maybe balance? Idk does he tell us sometime?

He already told us in one post a long while back. He is Astral Schools. If you look up Ambrose on Google, it should show a post from like 2 years ago. Another hint is his clothes: Stars, Moons, and Suns

Jan 28, 2010
I'm not really sure what school he is in. BUT!!!! I just had an awesome idea when I was reading your guys replys! What if KI made a quest after you finsh all the quests avilable to your wizard. This would be for a very spical badge. Kind of like a graduation to the next level like from middle school to high school. You would be called to The head master office. Then he would tell you about your accompleisments and how proud he is of you. How very few have been able to reach the level you have. (You now make you feel all speical and stuff.)

He would then tell you that you may graduate but you must beat this finle person he wont tell you cause its a surprise. Then he say a very special arena has to be built to be able to even have this duel. So he sends you on a quest to collect things. This quest should not be easy. Because this is for people who have compleated everything there is to compleat (not gardening)
I do think there should be other who can join you on your quest too.

After collecting these by defeating diffrent bosses and maybe even given clues to a hidden location where the last peace would be. no boss there the challange would be finding it with the clues given. The headmaster calls you back after compleating this. He will then tell you to wait and he will call you when it is ready. He makes the arena. Then calls you and It's the head master you have to duel. While you are standing the with that expression on your face he Tells you the rules of the duel. Then you duel thats when you find out what school he is weather it's one or all of them. Make him have Lots of health so it wouldn't be easy.

After you win weather it takes one time or more who knows. You get a badge a spical set of clothing with awesome stats for your school. You should only have to duel him one time to get your outfit with gear. I think that it would be a good idea not to allow them in pvp so you guys wouldnt have to deal with complaints. Maybe even a mount can be included a spical one that you can only get from him. The Head master would then tell you. That you have made a great acomplishment. Congradulation you have graduaed to the next school!! well what do you guys think of that?? I love the idea I really think KI should consider it.

Heather Icewisper level 60 legendary balance

Jan 24, 2010
BrokenStorm1998 wrote:
I think maybe balance? Idk does he tell us sometime?

Ambrose is REALLY old, compared to all of the other teachers. Ancient, immortal???

I think he's balance, with mastery over elemental and spirit magic. Perhaps he even learned his magic from Bartleby, one of the two creators of the world.

Or, maybe he was able to train Balance properly, unlike us student sorcerers, because he went to magicking school eons before the terrible tragedy of Malistaire and Sylvia. I'll bet he was able to train Balance in Krokotopia, before the enslavement of the manders, and travel to all of the other worlds to learn from masters of spirit and elemental magic as a young man. Hmm...maybe he went to wizarding school in Dragonspyre?

Time is fuzzy in the Great Spiral. Anyone ever notice?

Scarlet, Moira, Rowan

Jul 26, 2009
BrokenStorm1998 wrote:
I think maybe balance? Idk does he tell us sometime?

He's a master of all the schools, except the astral schools which he's working on now. I think his original school was storm (purple and yellow outfit) and then fire, ice, death, myth, life, because that's the order the schools go in.

That's what I think.

Feb 01, 2010
he's storm i did a little research in the message boards and i saw a post that said he likes to use his storm elemental minion to protect him and storm elemental is a storm only spell so he is storm

Dec 12, 2008
joey110498 wrote:
he's storm i did a little research in the message boards and i saw a post that said he likes to use his storm elemental minion to protect him and storm elemental is a storm only spell so he is storm
Just cause he said that doesn't mean it. Me and Catboy have seen a post he did about knowing all the schools, I think his main school was Storm too, though, and so on, just like Catboy's post.

Nov 05, 2010
Without a doubt all the schools. Except for the astral ones of course, those are different. I'm sure if you ever battle him or he helps you battle (The helping you battle would be AWESOME, wouldn't it?) where the school symbol is would be that spiral symbol. You know, the one you see on global spells. He'd be the master of all schools. He is the master of all schools. And beyond. I'm sure he would say he wished he could go and save the spiral himself, but he's too old an age, and he has to keep watch over The Ravenwood School of Magical Arts. Of course, you were just asking what his school was, weren't you? I may have made my answer a bit long. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. (That information may be useless now, as you've read it all already.)

That's all I have to say.

~Kevin (Master Thaumaturge)

Feb 20, 2010
Ambrose is all the schools, and he has no main one he is all of them equally making the ultimate wizard.

Blake ThunderShield level 60 Death
Austin RavenDust level 60 Storm
Blake ShadowFlame level 47 Balance