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New mini-games??

Apr 22, 2010
Hi! Love the game, know how hard you all work to keep adding new features and updating everything. I am also very impressed with your responsiveness to players' problems, questions, etc. :-D

I would only suggest that you please consider changing out the mini-games for potion refills. I have really come to dread having to fill a potion and pick the easiest (read: least painful) one to do the job. :? They don't have to be complex, of course, but perhaps have a handful that can be rotated from time to time?

I would so appreciate your consideration on this! I know I can't be the only one groaning over the same little games!

Otherwise you guys are awesome! Keep up the good work!

Emma Silversong, Master of Balance

Sep 05, 2008
I agree! Maybe each world has different games- Wizard City having the same games. Krokotopia would have games that had to do with Pyramids and tombs. Marleybone would have games that had to do with dogs and big cities.
Then Mooshu would have games about nature or palaces. Dragonspyre would have games based on Dragons, and Celestia have games based on the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Sep 11, 2010
I agree that more, or different, minigames would be nice. Especially if they would be seperated by world, instead of as now where all worlds have the same minigames.

Of course, I'd also love to see the rewards for the minigames scaled to fit with Legendary wizards' potion filling. As it is, it takes me FAR less time to find the money for purchasing potion refills than it does to play Sorcery Stones long enough to get just one bottle filled...

Jun 16, 2009
I always thought that each world should have its own set of mini games
definitely would be even more fun