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Sylvia Drake's Tomb

Feb 19, 2009
I am just posting this to say I am very disappointed in this one specific dungeon due to the fact that if you leave it, you have to start it over, even if you don't log out. I would just like to say please fix this dungeon because if I accidentally clicked the go to marked location button, I should NOT have to do that dungeon over again. So again, please change this dungeon, as it is one of my least favorite dungeons in Dragonspyre to do and i just got to this quest.

Apr 14, 2009
Well Sylvia Drake's Tomb isnt exactly a "Dungeon" like Big Ben/Katzensteins Lab/Sunken City/etc are. Its more like a "Tower" like Golems Tower (there are quite a few others.... thats just the only one I can remember the name of off the top of my head... and Golems Tower isn't a great example since you must do it alone)

You can easily tell the difference between the two. Before entering a "Dungeon" you will get a pop-up notifying you. If you turned off that warning, another way to distinguish them is that you will not be able to place a Teleport Marker at all while you are inside.

Sylvia Drakes Tomb is just the tip of the iceberg I'm afraid. When you find out its a Tower, before you start make sure you have all your potions and any Healing treasure cards available, and whenever possible try to bring a friend or a partner. The enemies are set per floor and do not change (there may be an exception(s) to this rule, but nothing springs to mind)

Things to know:
Towers = No Teleport Marks allowed; Once you start a Tower, no other Players may teleport to you to help. The ONLY four players allowed in, are the four standing on the Instance circles at the end of the countdown; Once you exit, for any reason (Defeated, Thought the Exit was the next floor, Teleport, Lose the Internet), you MUST redo the whole Tower; Trying to go to the "next floor" on the last floor of the Tower should take you out of the Tower (so if you're not sure you're finished, just try to go to the next floor... if you can't go to the next floor but you beat the enemy/challenge on that floor then you are at the top and should be finished.)
Dungeons = Teleport Marks are allowed, and they reserve your instance if you are soloing and need to leave (only for 30 minutes, then it closes and you must restart from the beginning. The teleport buttons will show you still have a mark placed in the instance, but attempting to go to it after the Dungeon it was in shuts down will fail even if you go into the Dungeon again and try); Players may join you at any point as long as they can port to you, even if they have not gotten that far themselves.

Feb 19, 2009
I know what a tower is and I know I couldn't mark location. You're just not grasping the point.