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wizard buddies

Aug 11, 2009
What do you think of a fun enahncement which absolutely has no value?

With the size of some of the houses, at times it can be kind of lonely there.

Won't it be nice to have a buddy in the house. :D

Starting with level 20, each wizard would have an opportunity to have a buddy based on the wizard’s primary school (for example: life - imp, death - ghoul). :)

This buddy would be in any houses that the wizard owns (maybe even the dorm room).

This buddy would greet the wizard upon arriving home and could impart information and news about the game (with the option to turn off this feature).

Maybe the buddy could be sweeping the room, washing the windows, or making dinner.

A ghoul wearing an apron!!

Jul 30, 2009
I'd be more inclined to have my pets or mounts running around my properties then a 'buddy'.

Jul 12, 2009
Jun 08, 2008
Feb 14, 2009
I would rather want my pets and mounts running around then a "buddy". What would be better is having a friend able to live with you. Like The owner of the house would get to pick a room for that person. Then that person has control over that room ONLY!That person could also teleport to the home they live in. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! For example:
Lenora SkyWhisper has a friend that wants to live with her.
Lenora SkyWhisper goes to her home and chooses a room for her friend, Donna RoseDreamer.
Donna RoseDreamer got all her stuff from her dorm.
Donna RoseDreamer teleported to her room in Lenora SkyWhisper's house.
Donna RoseDreamer CAN NOT decorate anything else than her room.
Donna RoseDreamer then decorated her room