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Ideas for Wizard101

Dec 22, 2008
[[size=9]color=blue]Holla wizards of Wizard101! I have an idea for wizard101. I think that they should invent new world continually. That way, more people will keep playing when they get to level 50. Also, there should SO be higher levels. Level 50 shouldn't be the limit :D. That's why so many people leave and stop playing becuase they usually play their strongest person on their account. WHO'S WITH ME? :D :D

Sep 15, 2009
Zanessa2129 wrote:
[[size=9]color=blue] WHO'S WITH ME? :D :D

Hi there,

You know, we all are different, we all play for different reasons. Some of us play for sheer fun of playing a quick to learn game that takes time to master.

Wizard is only a year old. Already they have added so much to it - read the update notes and you'll be able to see for yourself. Have patience, who knows what else they have in store for us in the future.

Anyway, I'm still busy maxing my wizards and finding new challenges - if you're bored why not make a single school wizard, see how far you can get through the game?

Or dont carry any spells that hit all enemies - just for the fun of the challenge?

Or leave your pixies at home, see how far you can get without the ability to heal yourself?

Keep smiling and have fun, I know I am :)