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Dec 20, 2008
I think it would be cool to play music in the game, for example: players could have "mp3s" if you will, so they could listen to there own music privatel or maybe have the option of letting other people hear what they are listening to. Also maybe players could stream thier music through there house. It could be like a bar at the bottom of there screen. I think that people being able to play there music would not only be a good idea but make alot of people happy.

Feb 08, 2009
deathrow666 wrote:
I think it would be cool to play music in the game, for example: players could have "mp3s" if you will, so they could listen to there own music privatel or maybe have the option of letting other people hear what they are listening to. Also maybe players could stream thier music through there house. It could be like a bar at the bottom of there screen. I think that people being able to play there music would not only be a good idea but make alot of people happy.

I see what your trying to say and I would love to share music. But KI would have to pick certain songs and we would have to pick from those songs because some songs are just not appropriate. I mean even a song about kissing someone on the lips, their are a lot of young children in this game and we would probably end up with Miley Cyrus songs or something like that =/. That is a great idea, but you should probably just stick to listening to iTunes as your playing the game.

May 09, 2009
Well the music would need to be moderated since there are alot of songs out there that swear.

Dec 23, 2008
This may be wasted effort, as I'm probably talking to somebody in the "Music Belongs to the People" generation ... but do you really want to pony up the extra cash it would take for KI to license all this music?

Jun 23, 2009
i agree but it would have to be moderated. we could send kings isle our favorite songs and they would either accept and add it to the list of accepted music, or reject it because its inappropriate.

May 28, 2009
Turn off the game music and turn down (way down) the effects sounds. Then go into the player of your choice and start up your playlist. Go back to the game and you can turn your music up as loud as you want to and you will still be able to hear whats going on in the game.