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When you play a mini game

Mar 09, 2009
Mar 08, 2009
I used to play dueling Diego and i beat it 4 times in a row so i got the fourth prize, btw this took 15 minutes and the 4th prize was just an imp treasure card. Now i learned a trick just get 1500 points in Potion Motion and you will usually get a potion.

Feb 15, 2009
Dec 23, 2008
Proman1355 wrote:
I used to play dueling Diego and i beat it 4 times in a row so i got the fourth prize, btw this took 15 minutes and the 4th prize was just an imp treasure card. Now i learned a trick just get 1500 points in Potion Motion and you will usually get a potion.

Potion Motion:
1000 points will fill up one bottle. (Could be lower -- but 1000 seems like a nice even number.) And once you have all your bottles full, you'll need to play to 1000 once more to cap them off. So if you need to fill 2 bottles, you play it 3 times. The nice thing about it is that you can very quickly (like within 10 seconds or so) play to 1000 on random moves.

Jul 06, 2009
Potion Motion, like others have said, is the easiest to fill potions fast. Plus I have noticed that the starting screen is always the same for it. If I make the same two moves at the beginning, it cascades me into level 2, then I only need to make a few more moves to get to level 3 (this is where it seems to have full potions for me). I quit at that point, and play 2 more times. Done! Usually takes less than 5 minutes. This is great for dungeons when you need to fill your potions fast.

May 19, 2009
beating just level 1 of dueling diego fills one potion and it takes less then a minute

Jun 23, 2009
usually i play potion motion but recently i found out that dueling diego fills my bottles more quickly