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New schools

Apr 26, 2009
I read someone's idea of a rock school - I think having a music school would be fabulous! All different kinds of spells - perhaps a "classical" spell to heal 500 over five rounds, a "country" spell to lasso which would damage the opponent and decrease his next spells strength, a jamaican steel drum spell (or "Rasta" spell) to damage all enemies and add a - 40 strength, next spell, to all of them, an "orchestra" spell that would heal all of your wizard friends in a battle 60 per pip would be awesome, a "rap" spell which steals the opponents "bling" (pips), and so on.

Other idea for school - "Galaxy" school - aliens, asteriods, gravity spells, shooting star spells, anything having to do with outerspace.

Would also like to see a world on the spiral that is like the rainforest. Bright and colorful with many of the awesome creatures in the rainforests such as poisonous frogs, parrots, and other animals like jaguars, leopards, chimps, bush babies, owls, skunks, turtles, and so on. :D

Mar 27, 2009
i would like the idea of the rainforest world. it would give us a chance to explore how the animals are like and stuff, also, on the new school idea's i would think a, Wind, Water, Earth, and a Animal class, it would have animal spells and stuff, not like storm SHARK or sunBIRD, more like animals that involve rainforests and stuff,