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Gurtok Demon Quest Bug?

May 24, 2009
I got the gurtok demon's blood from the coven house, gave it to him then defeated him, but now the game won't let me through the gate to the final instance. I've tried switching realms, and that doesn't work. Its like there is an invisible wall there. The gurtok demon wants me to go back to the coven house and get his blood AGAIN! Anyone else have this problem?

Feb 11, 2009
there is a bug there. i had to go world hopping to get through. and if you do go back to the demon you should only have to activate thee torch thing to fight him.

Dec 23, 2008
There is most certainly a bug with that gate. It sometimes requires realm-hopping to find one that will open.

But the Gurtok instance is also problematic. The text, voice-overs, and sequence of actions don't seem to match up properly.

If the demon is still hinting that you haven't finished that mission, then it's possible that you missed a step in the sequence of events within that mission.