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Apr 10, 2012
Could someone please explain to me why an Ice pet would get a Maycast spell for Storm? I have a "LORD of WINTER" pet. An Ice pet born from 2 Ice pets. When training he got a Maycast Stormspear. Why? What possible good does a Stormspear spell do for an Ice Wizard?

Jan 18, 2010
When training pets, the talents it learns has nothing to do with your wizard's schools.

The talents manifested are based on its parents and their parents (grandparents in this case) as well.

What most likely happened is that one of the parents of your offspring possibly had the talent within its talent pool hence why your offspring, unfortunately, learnt the talent.

This is how pets fail, when a pet learns a talent you had no idea it could.

While it's upsetting, it just a risk we take when hatching and raising pets. This is why its recommended you hatch and train pets to adult, hatch again, then to ancient etc.

Good Luck!