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Barkingham Palace Gas Golem

Nov 03, 2011
Okay well, I am very frustrated right now at this boss fight. I just played it for over an hour with another player and at the end it didn't update either of our quest lines and says we need to fight the Noxious Gas Golem again. We had to flee and rejoin multiple times but nobody was gone when an enemy was defeated so the flee rule doesn't apply to this. I am just wondering if we possibly messed something up by fleeing too many times or there was a glitch in the game or something. Any help would be very appreciated!

Nov 07, 2009
Hi hoodhooden, yes there has been times where things like this happened to me. There is a cutscene at the end of the dungeon once you beaten this boss. I believe you have to go on the roof or talk to someone in that room before continuing on? It is been a while for me so I do not completely recall that dungeon, but I have done it in the past. Make sure before ending any large dungeon to check your quest log and do not leave the dungeon, otherwise you will lose all your progress like you have done. Now, the pain is that you will have to do the dungeon again. I am sure there was an extra person to talk to or a room at the end of the dungeon you had to go to for either another cutscene or just to talk to a character to finish the quest. These rooms or people would always usually be around the area you defeat the last boss. Next time just pay attention to what they say at the end of the fight and you should be able to complete it fine.

Hope this helps!

Chris Thundercloud 130