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are these pets real? if yes, how to get them

Feb 02, 2010
Alabaster Shenlong Dragon
Aquamarine Pixie
Beryl Pixie
blazing beast
celestian judge
Chartreuse Pixie
Cheetah Piggle
Chocostein's Monster
Clever Wildclaw
Danny's Wraith
Dappled Piggle
Divine Dragon
Drips O'Slimey
Dynamic Dragon
Earthwalker (without spaces)
Emerald Pixie
Fandango Pixie
Fiery Charger
Fiery Death Knight
Fire Toad
Flapping Paper Crane
Freaky Beast
Frostbite Elf
Ghastly Dragon
Grandpappy Piggle
Great Horned Knight
Grizzly Boar
Gruff Goat Monk
Harvest Warden
Heliotrope Hound
Heroic Dream Ghoul
Heroic Life Troll
Hot Head
Ianthine Sorcerer
Icy Charger
Infernal Judge
Jack Frost
Jade Pixie
Jaguar Piggle
Jungle Wildclaw
Kumo Oni
Lady Judgement
Leopard Piggle
Lucky Ducky
Malachite Pixie
Mottled Piggle
Mythic Lancer
Mythical Brocket
Obsidian Colossus
Obsidian Foo Dog
Obsidian Shenlong Dragon
Osiris Papyrus
Peculiar Beast
Pepper Piggle
Pet Sea Turtle
Piebald Piggle
Potent Piggle
Punching Pig
Runic Colossus
Runic Cyclops
Sage Cyclops
Sand Colossus
Sickly Humongofrog
Skeletal Raider
Skeletal Skulk
Sparking Beast
Speckled Piggle
Spiny Fish
Spotted Piggle
Storm Warden
Strike Colossus
Tactical Hound
Tundra Frog
Turquoise Dragon
Winged Ram of Nodor (87 on list)

Jan 18, 2010
Most of those pets are in fact within the game.

The best place to check for them is by viewing the Hatchmaking Kiosk inside the Pet Pavilion.

Also, all pets with the exception of a few such as school only pets when you don't belong to that school can be obtained though hatching with them.

Note however that Crowns Only Pets are usually a bit more difficult to obtain both through hatching and by farming.

Also, most crowns only pets are not available on the Kiosk.

Feb 02, 2010
None on the list are in the kiosk.
Do you know which are hybrids? their parents?

Feb 02, 2010
None of the pets on the list are in the kiosk

Aug 03, 2014
wolf314159 on Feb 5, 2019 wrote:
None of the pets on the list are in the kiosk
Where did you get the list?

Most of them are mixed up names or sound like nick-names. IDK whether some were official names and have since changed (eg did Drips O'Slimey change to Fang Bat or was that a nickname all along??) or if they're from fan art etc or spoilers (eg Chocostein's Monster)...I suggest looking into each one and trying to find where the reference was made. If the name isn't in the wiki then it probably does not exist under that name in game. Eg the cheetah piggle sounds like a nick name for the freckled piggle???

If it was one or two I'd look into it (as I have with the ones above) but a list of 87 is too extensive. Here is the wiki for all the pets in game. It should be helpful if you decide to research more pets or the ones from your list.

Good luck!