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Nov 19, 2013
Why don't they just allow us to feed out pet without doing the mini games, it is a waste of time for me. Instead of using 6 energy for adult pet it should be like 4 or 5 for feeding it without mini game

Aug 03, 2014
poisedonzeus on Jun 4, 2018 wrote:
Why don't they just allow us to feed out pet without doing the mini games, it is a waste of time for me. Instead of using 6 energy for adult pet it should be like 4 or 5 for feeding it without mini game
I think when pets first got talents added the games were probably not that excessive for training them. They didn't have so many levels so the XP needed to train them was much lower than now. KI have countered this by introducing bigger and better snacks, allowing things like stacking and the double rewards (both for gardening and for pet training). However, I agree with you that pet training can feel excessively long and repetitive...especially on pet projects that repeatedly get mega fails...arrrrgh!

I'd love for there to be an introduction of something like a snack table where we can train without the games. We'd still spend the energy of course, but sacrifice the XP for completing the mini-game for the time we'd save just feeding instead. I'm not sure if KI would ever do this as many of us fail the games as fast as possible already but I hope they will consider the possibility of introducing a quicker/less repetitive way at least....please KI!

Nov 27, 2013
I use grub guardian, but I play on the side of the grubs, that is, I set the timer to fast mode, turn off the music, and let the grubs scamper to their goal. You forgo the "benefits" but if getting snacks into your pet fast is your goal, it is very hasty, and relatively few clicks.