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Level 100 elixir or token

Mar 10, 2015
i don't know if it's only me, but after playing the game fully 3 times, I do not wish to slug through most of ark 2. So I would like to request a item to be added to the crown shop that would skip a wizard into Khrysallis. As a token of loyalty to old players who have logged more then 100 hours in game on at least 2 wizards.

After playing 200 hours aka getting 2 wizards to level 125, a player would be given a token called time token. This would allow them to redeem it in any wizard. If the player does not have a title it would cost 80k crowns. A second or third token would cost 60K without title, or 15K with title.

The player skip would come with most of the Avalon crafted set, an ok wand from a weaker pack, and a coded pet to give some basics skills. This would be pain giver, accuracy boon, defy, spirtley, and may cast tower. It would come with 1 give dragon blade card.

The class would have all the spells up to Azteca but excluding storm owl, stegasorous, etc. The player would need to do that.

What do you guys think, would ya support this idea.

Aug 03, 2014
I love the addition of the level 50 elixir and think the price is excellent value for anyone wanting to use it. I can't imagine ever using it myself because I love questing even at lower levels, but for those who want to skip those low-level simple battles it's a very welcome addition to help them get to content they enjoy.

With us only having 125 levels total, I think it is a little premature to be adding a level 100 elixir but I would not be surprised if they do add it at some point in the future. Perhaps when we have 150 levels or maybe they will hold back adding it until we are closer to 200 level? We'll see, but for now I don't think a level 100 elixir would be a good deal because I feel it wipes out too much of the game.

This is just my opinion based on the game as it stands and as someone who wouldn't use the instant level up elixirs I do consider my opinion on this as less important than the opinions of people who would use them! Yes, I said it, some opinions are more important than others

It would be interesting to discuss further the pros and cons of adding a level 100 elixir both now or in the future to see whether there is a general consensus on when it would be appropriate/best to make it an option.

Nov 18, 2010
I'm not sure. It is not necessary to put multiple wizards through the game, so if you choose to do that, then you should do that. The Level 50 elixir is good because many people might have made their character years ago, and decided that they wanted to change schools, so it is a good way to do that. But people who just want to max out all their characters and want to pay to do that... sounds like a cop out to me.

Aug 23, 2016
My two cents, is that there doesn't need to be a level 100 elixer at least until there are 150 available levels to attain.

Steven Ghoststalker

Jan 04, 2009
What about a Level 75 elixir that started you past Avalon? That would still leave you with 50 levels of gameplay to adventure through. Once they add more worlds and expand the level limit to 150, they can consider adding a Level 100 elixir as well?

Mar 10, 2015
Ye that would work, if it's not obvious it's not the levels I care about. It's about skipping celestial, zafaria, Gh, ravenscar. I absolutely sick of the worlds that are boring and tedious. I personally enjoy Azteca, as it is where the ok story begins and the recycling of mobs ends. So short answer sure, as long as we skip those worlds. And ye I agree lvl 100 maybe a bit to far. Lvl 75 makes sense

Aug 03, 2014
Lukeskywalker1313 on Apr 11, 2018 wrote:
Ye that would work, if it's not obvious it's not the levels I care about. It's about skipping celestial, zafaria, Gh, ravenscar. I absolutely sick of the worlds that are boring and tedious. I personally enjoy Azteca, as it is where the ok story begins and the recycling of mobs ends. So short answer sure, as long as we skip those worlds. And ye I agree lvl 100 maybe a bit to far. Lvl 75 makes sense
Perhaps a better option would be a skip world elixir? It could be limited in how many times a wizard could use it (preventing anyone from using it for the entire or most of the game) but allowing the worlds we enjoy least to be skipped through with all main quests completed instantly.

Pricing could literally be relative to the levels/content of the world being selected eg Skip Wysteria costs less than Skip Dragonspyre etc?

I would never use a level 50 or level 100 elixir but if I could skip Marleybone I suspect temptation would get the better of me if the elixir was at the right price!

Feb 28, 2014
I think lvl 100 elixir is not necessary at this time for there's not enough worlds to quest in to make the game worthwhile. I would say wait on that idea until the 4th arc and more worlds are made. I do support the lvl 75 elixir idea.

Jan 24, 2012
Jun 19, 2010
Some folks are hardwired and driven to obtain an achievement, goal, object, level, or status, as fast as possible, with little or no effort. While other folks are happy to earn everything they seek through hard work and perseverance. With the rest of everyone else, somewhere in-between. I say let folks have Level Elixirs every 25 Levels, but force them to have a permanent floating badge over their head, indicating what level elixir they consumed, so everyone instantly sees and knows this fact.