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Warning about loosing items, cards, jewels

Jan 26, 2014
Since the Tutorial Tip Log feature went in, I have noticed that I no longer always get warnings about having too much of something or being about to loose something.
I saw this during a Lore evening when all of a sudden no more cards were being awarded by Lore. I checked my TC card count later and saw I was at 999.
I have also seen this when harvesting my jewel plants and when I harvest plants in general. Both the backpack and the Jewel pouch no longer warn me. The only thing that seems to warn consistently now is my gold. That old miner is such a good friend, he never lets me down

Jun 07, 2009
Zhanig on Feb 15, 2018 wrote:
Since the Tutorial Tip Log feature went in, I have noticed that I no longer always get warnings about having too much of something or being about to loose something.
I saw this during a Lore evening when all of a sudden no more cards were being awarded by Lore. I checked my TC card count later and saw I was at 999.
I have also seen this when harvesting my jewel plants and when I harvest plants in general. Both the backpack and the Jewel pouch no longer warn me. The only thing that seems to warn consistently now is my gold. That old miner is such a good friend, he never lets me down
Some items will be moved into your bank once your backpack reaches max items. I don't know what you can do about the rest though