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membership ended a day early (& glitched videos).

Feb 07, 2011
so today is the last day of my membership.. or so i thought. but, when i tried to do my daily assignment, it prompted me to buy the area for crowns even though i'm a member (the fact that i can still post means my membership is supposed to be active).

i do not have an 'upgrade now' button in the top-left corner of my screen either, which means that my membership is still active.

in all the years i've been a member, i've never had an issue (though i always renewed my membership before the previous one ran out, which i don't plan on doing this time). just wondering if this is a blip in the system or intentional.

i also tried to earn crowns by watching the videos; more than half of them are broken, just a grey screen with a red square in the middle, nothing to click that allows me to complete the offer, and i lost out on a ton of crowns because of it.

second issue isn't game-breaking, just a minor annoyance. the first one is a pain, though, and i hope someone will look into what happened.

oh well, back to fallout for now~ game of the year edition, too!

(i probably won't be able to reply to posts after today, so a happy & safe holiday to all of my wizard friends!)
