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Strategy tips: Gurtok Barrier Demon Boss battle

Jul 30, 2017
I need strategy tips for the boss battle with the Gurtok Barrier Demon.

Apr 17, 2012
I'm not seeing the problem. Just use a lot of fire shields while you acquire pips. It can be purchased in bazaar. Laydown a couple stacked feints if you can. Then trap blade and hit.

If it didn't kill him just repeat.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
I'm assuming you're a Myth wizard above level 40.

Defeating the Gurtok demon is fairly easy if you carry a couple of extra blades, some Fire shields, and a couple of heals.

Do NOT summon a Troll or Cyclops minion. They are a waste of pips. However, your little 0-pip Puppet may be quite helpful to you. He's a free 'wand hit' on every turn for as long as he lasts, and all those little hits can really add up after several rounds.

Just put up Fire shields when you can, then blade up and hit the demon. Use your strongest spell. If that's the Minotaur or Orthrus, use your Myth bubble and as many different blades as you can to maximize your damage. Heal yourself with a Pixie or a Sprite and then set up up another hit. Keep going until he's gone.

Alia Misthaven, 120
Emma Ravensong, 76

Aug 08, 2012
What school is your wizard in? Perhaps someone can help you further once we know.

In any case, blade, trap, and hit him with the strongest spell you have, but make sure to keep yourself healed. Tower shields and Fire shields will also help you here.

Jul 30, 2017
Puppylove1021 on Aug 17, 2017 wrote:
What school is your wizard in? Perhaps someone can help you further once we know.

In any case, blade, trap, and hit him with the strongest spell you have, but make sure to keep yourself healed. Tower shields and Fire shields will also help you here.
My wizard in the myth school and currently above level 50.

Aug 08, 2012
TatianaGriffincall... on Aug 18, 2017 wrote:
My wizard in the myth school and currently above level 50.
Quote myself, "In any case, blade, trap, and hit him with the strongest spell you have, but make sure to keep yourself healed. Tower shields and Fire shields will also help you here." Do you have Medusa yet? If not, I recommend you buy some treasure cards of it (according to Wizard101 central wiki, he can be stunned), as well as buying treasure cards for fire shields, and stuff your deck with them. If you wish to save gold, Orthurus would be your best attacking spell, but still, buy fire shield treasure cards, that's basically the best way to survive.

You should be able to have critical rating at your level. Just put on anything that gives myth critical rating, if you don't have any already, and I recommend buying Vengeance treasure cards, as they will increase your critical rating, allowing for the possibility of more criticals!

I recommend taking Freshta's advice. My Myth wizard's only level 25, meaning I have not reached him yet on that wizard (in fact, i've only gotten one wizard past lvl 40 and completed all of Grizzleheim + Wintertusk), so I'm not the most reliable person to count on, but it should be a pretty solid strategy. In fact, a combination of our two strategies would be good.

It's been a while since I've beat him, but if you're wondering how I beat him on the wizard (a Life) that has beat him, I believe I just put blades on myself and put traps on him, using Centaur, while making sure to keep myself healed when I was at low health, and repeat. Eventually, I beat him.