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Pulled into battles from a Different World

Jul 23, 2014
I was in Grizzleheim helping my friend fight bosses, but when we were done I teleported to olde town to sell my new equipment and the game didn't load correctly. Battles started popping up from Grizzleheim, even though none of the players or enemies showed up. I was pulled into a battle that was halfway up the wall of the bazaar and then pulled out of it. Even though none of the characters showed up, the spells still appeared. The spells didn't do any damage to me, but the battles still pulled me in. Five seconds after a battle pulled me in, I was pulled into another battle. I was pulled inside a wall and the whole game froze. Finally the battles disappeared after 3 minutes, but I was still stuck inside a wall. It wouldn't let me teleport anywhere except to my friends, who were not online at the time. I had to wait a whole 20 minutes until my friend got online again. This was the second time this happened to me. Has this happened to anyone else?