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Housing Magic - Vanishing Teleporters

Dec 28, 2010
Problem: Housing teleporters don't reappear after made invisible be castle magic

Context: As a test idea I wanted to apply vanishing castle magic to a teleporter and only make it appear after say throwing a switch. Think like solving a maze or some other castle puzzle and the teleporter only shows up when done and lets you move on. Well for testing I just used the given spells (make invisible and make visible) and switch that introduced castle magic. The teleporter disappears fine, but it doesn't come back when the switch is turned back. (checked by changing the target to a statue and it does disappear and then come back).

Dec 28, 2010
So I went in and tried to recreate the issue. Took everything off and into the backback. Then put it all out again and reapplied castle magic and it seemed to work fine now. as of 7/18/2017 I haven't had an issue. It must have been that I accidentally kept skipping a step and got it right after taking a break and coming back later.