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Advice for Defeat and Collect quests

Mar 14, 2011
Anyone have any advice for the defeat and collect quests here? I'm trying to get the fire elf hats, But I keep not getting the stuff. This also happened with the Scarlet screamers on Triton Avenue.

- Amy SkyCloud

Mar 14, 2011
Aug 03, 2016
Team up if you can because the more enemies in the battle the higher your chance to drop and the quicker you can go through a quest.

But before you join a battle circle, ask the people in it if you can join. It only takes a moment and can avoid any drama. Some people don't care and some do. Sometimes someone has to quit soon or they are on their last enemy.

It's too bad I have no way to know who someone is from this board, because I'd be willing to help people but I don't know who they are. Lol

It's good though that there's no way to private message and no way to tell who someone is (so many people have same names) because it's safer for everyone that way.

Also you can always try going to the commons or asking people to help you. The commons can have a lot of trollers in it so maybe somewhere else. Good luck. Glad you got your fire elf hats.

Mar 14, 2011
I like to do this, it makes it easier.