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Avalon isn't fair :(

Jul 19, 2012
For me and for many people that I know,we all agree that there's WAY to many myth,ice,and death bosses.I am a ice wizard and so to complete Avalon is extremely hard for me,so if somebody is willing to help me get through these ice bosses together then by me by myself casting ice prism all the time,I would be so happy!

Apr 05, 2015
I'm a death wizard, and death bosses give me an advantage (because of the boost) , first of all pack kill the minion and I would recommend using frost giant since you're ice. Make sure you have about 4 to 5
prisms and use them whenever you have them in hand, Another tip is, never use an aoe. Finally blade stack and trap the boss as much as you can and use the best damage card you have, enchant it use aura if possible and hit, if it doesn't kill place another prism and then hit by then boss will be dead. Make sure to keep your deck as small as possible and have a reshuffle just in case you need it! Good luck and this is a useful method i use when fighting death bosses.

Kane, Level 77 Transcendent Necromancer

Jun 14, 2016
Once you save Cassie the Ponycorn, you can train a mass prism to make things easier. Otherwise, you'll need to prism one mob at a time. I did use AoEs even before getting the mass prism, though.

Apr 05, 2015
General Kai on May 22, 2017 wrote:
I'm a death wizard, and death bosses give me an advantage (because of the boost) , first of all pack kill the minion and I would recommend using frost giant since you're ice. Make sure you have about 4 to 5
prisms and use them whenever you have them in hand, Another tip is, never use an aoe. Finally blade stack and trap the boss as much as you can and use the best damage card you have, enchant it use aura if possible and hit, if it doesn't kill place another prism and then hit by then boss will be dead. Make sure to keep your deck as small as possible and have a reshuffle just in case you need it! Good luck and this is a useful method i use when fighting death bosses.

Kane, Level 77 Transcendent Necromancer
I'm sorry my post made no sense, just realized it.