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Daily quest elf path finders

May 12, 2016
Please consider either making them reappear more or better yet just change to the magma men. Every time it comes up as a quest you have a lot of people trying to find them. Jumping realms etc. One one wizard it took 6 realm jumps to find one. And I have had more jumps to get one.

May 25, 2016
Ya I just got that daily assignment too and I thought maybe it was a glitch because when I had quests in Firecat alley they were there. Now that I have no quests there, but the daily assignment there it seems they all disappeared. I just skipped this daily assignment. Hopefully the one today is better :)

Oct 24, 2010
grumpy073 on Dec 4, 2016 wrote:
Please consider either making them reappear more or better yet just change to the magma men. Every time it comes up as a quest you have a lot of people trying to find them. Jumping realms etc. One one wizard it took 6 realm jumps to find one. And I have had more jumps to get one.
I agree! There were exactly zero yesterday, no matter what realm you hopped to. I wasn't alone in doing this, I see, and saw others popping in and out as well. I just gave up. There are others similar to this one, but this is by far the worst in not being able to find any mobs for the quest.

Aug 25, 2014
I found it easier and quicker to just start defeating magma men/fire elves until a pathfinder spawned. I ended up doing the same with the tomb raiders in marleybone yesterday.

Jan 18, 2010
grumpy073 on Dec 4, 2016 wrote:
Please consider either making them reappear more or better yet just change to the magma men. Every time it comes up as a quest you have a lot of people trying to find them. Jumping realms etc. One one wizard it took 6 realm jumps to find one. And I have had more jumps to get one.
They're usually more common within the Perfect Realms

Mar 31, 2013
I hear ya. I usually find more of them in the busier realms...

Aug 21, 2013
Star Edward on Dec 5, 2016 wrote:
They're usually more common within the Perfect Realms

Oddly enough, one of the 'Perfect' realms is Orthrus, where I tend to stay at (I'm a wolf, so go figure). On three different wizards, I didn't see any in Orthrus, but when I would switch to Phoenix, boom, one waiting to be defeated. Thinking back on it, when this one has been a daily before, I think I noticed the same thing. It's as though the Orthrus realm doesn't spawn them at all.

Either way, they need to increase the spawn rate. If there's only going to be one, make it spawn soon after one has been defeated. If more than one can spawn in the same realm, then set it to always have at least one (near instant spawning if the only one around gets defeated). That would solve the issue.