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What decorated house are you most proud of?

Jul 18, 2009
Do you have a favorite house that you spent hours and hours decorating and you're really proud of it? While we can't post pictures, we can still describe our houses in words. Also, if you know any cool glitching tricks that you've used, share them here too!

Right now, the house I'm most proud of is my Halloween house. It's been coming along so nicely and with the release of the death school furniture set, it looks even more amazing. I'm really looking forward to putting it up on tours in October to share with everyone. I learned a glitching trick for floating castle blocks (click here to see the W101 Central post about it) so I made a witches house that floats off to the side of the house, and I found a few good Halloween-themed plants to liven things up.

Oct 18, 2009
My current favorites are my life house and my wizards watchtower.

I've turned the watchtower into a full on study full of books and sitting areas and the like, it also functions as a hub to my other houses. I also use it as my gear storage area I figured out that you can glitch the new rug from the balance set to hide the gear vault almost completely a few extra items added around it and its almost completely hidden. I could hide it completely but I dont want to have to move things everytime I need the vault

My life house was just me having fun and going utterly overboard with interactive and animated items everywhere.(It doubles as my seed storage area) I think its safe to say that every room in that house has at least one item to interact with. I also had a lot of fun using bread crumbs to make a faux dragonfly ride that goes in a little circle around the pond. I also keep my fishing retreat in there. I usually go there when I need to go off the grid (not accepting request and no porting) to sort out my banks and doing all my crafting.