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The Critical Healing Nerf is still in effect for Pve Life

Nov 25, 2019
Please just revert it, critical healing is the only unique thing life had going for it, and even then deaths easily outshined it, and the dame could be said most other schools due to the fact that life spells are all easily accessible.

I dont think killing Lifes school identity is a good thing, I understand the nerf in pvp, even though it completely killed the school and most lifes just gave up on playing it due to how horrible it was handled, I understood it, but why nerf something thats not broken?

In Pve Criit healing has always just been glass canon healing, giving up all stats to even be able to do it properly, it had so many flaws, especially with the way taunt works, the set requires no resist so having complete focus by all mobs called for an easy death. Compared to deaths juju and plague, in terms of team resourcefulness it just wasnt there.

Please, just revert it, killing a school in pvp and then nerfing it in pve even when it wasnt problematic isnt the best direction to push the game. Id agree if it was due to the spell nerfs, but almost every single boss and corresponding mob uses the old version of spells, I cant remember the last time I saw a -40 acc Siren. Along with Nuker spells like Barrage getting buffed as well, Id say that mobs barely were nerfed Dpp wise.