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Missing Amber from backpack

Nov 21, 2009
I seem to be missing 11 amber from my death wizard and I think it was due to the recent bug with the houses that was just fixed. I was in the middle of transferring Amber to my other wizards via shared bank when there was an error message and the it kicked me out of my house. After 3am on that day around when the update finished I checked my backpack and shared bank for the Amber and it was gone.

I've contacted Kingsisle support 3 times to fix this problem, but I haven't gotten a reply in the span of 4 days. I got really annoyed, so I came here to see if this can be resolved.

I really just want my amber back since they took a lot of time to farm for.

Apr 16, 2014
I lost 6 Trading Cards the same way.
In the middle of the trade, it glitched and I got
kicked off, so when I came back they disappeared.
They were important trading cards for making one of the
new spells. When I wrote to customer service, They told
me tough luck, they would not replace them.

This was the entire content of the message.
We are sorry for any undue frustration, unfortunately this isn't a request we can accommodate

When I asked for a reason, they told me they cannot verify it actually happened. So sorry you just lost TC's that cost money from buying a whole lot of packs to obtain.


So beware, if you loose things due to a glitch and no fault of your own, you may prolly kiss them goodbye.

Scarlet ShadowStone (a very unhappy level 130 Balance Wizard)