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Daybreaker and Nightbringer Rework

Mar 22, 2009
I am sure I am not the only one who has noticed how little these spells are you (I can only speak for PvE, I am not sure about PvP.) But my proposal is that both daybreaker and nightbringer be reworked as a spell that combines two spells together into one.

For Example

Say you have Stormblade, Glowbugs, and Daybreaker in hand. You click on daybreaker, then you click on which spell you want to happen first that turn, then you click on the spell that you want to happen after the first spell. So, say you click on Stormblade then Glowbugs, your Stormblade will be played and triggered, then your Glowbugs all in the same turn. The draw back is that to do this you add more pips to that spell. I figure the same amount it already adds at its various levels and upgrades.

Now, if you think about "What about Nightbringer" it would essentially have the same effect except you are choosing a spell to go after the first spell. What I mean is, the same scenario can happen as long as you pick them in the correct order. If you want to play Stormblade then Glowbugs you could just pick Glowbugs first, which would be played last, then pick Stormblade.

Because of this this rework would actually only need to be implemented on one card and the other could simply just be deleted out of the game. Even possible to completely rename the card and such.

I think this gives a little more freedom when picking cards. Also, as for the lore, it makes sense that our very powerful wizards at level 130 could play two spells in one turn. After all, we are the ones to save the spiral.

Thank you for reading and I hope this makes sense, let me know if I can clarify anything.

Sep 19, 2013
Neither of those spells are intended for PvE so changing them for that sphere is moot. Also this just makes them strictly worse since now your hit spell is enchanted by it too so you can't use a damage enchant on it.