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Change frequency of Deckathalons

Aug 10, 2009

Please please change how many times you can do the dekathalon. I would like to try and do it more than just 3 times a day.. Also let us put more cards in the deck between the levels and heal.. I swear you turn off pet healing during this event because my pet, who normally heals a ton, only healed once the whole time i did the event.
out of all of your events the deckathalon is the worst one.

May 22, 2011
Hey Idony09!

I myself am a big fan of the deckathalon and may be able to help you with your frustrations with a couple tips.

1. Do the event on many characters so you get more than 3 runs a day.
2. Rank up your deckathalon decks to get more max cards.
3. Put some heals in your deck so you don't have to rely exclusively on pet heals.

The reason you can't reset between stages is because of the competitive nature of the deckathalon and the leaderboards. It would take all the competition out of the event and make it way to easy to rack up a ton of points per run and get scroll of fortune points.

Aug 10, 2009
Thank you for your tips. I do have heals in my deck, but i can't seem to make it past the middle of the second level. So I can't really upgrade the deck..