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Sinbad Wands vs Revered Wands

Dec 13, 2008
So i've done my math on these weapons to see if they are better than revered and imo they are except for myth and life but for some reason benefits from the universal one like so


Damage - same

Crit - from 45 to 115 almost 3x the crit

Pierce - loses 1% pierce

Damage - gains 2 damage

Crit - from 35 to 115 about a x3.5 crit jump

Pierce: gains 1% pierce


Damage - gains 1 damage

Crit - from 60 to 115 almost a 2x crit jump

Pierce - loses 2% pierce


Damage - gains 2 damage

Crit - from 40 to 115 almost a 3x crit jump

Pierce - stays the same


(there is no life/myth one sadly)
Damage - same

Crit - from 40 to 120 3x crit jump

Pierce - gain 1% pierce

Myth: (Same issue about wands above)

Damage - loses 2 damage

Crit - from 45 to 120 almost a 3x crit jump

Pierce - loses 1% pierce


Damage - loses 1 damage

Crit - from 40 to 120 3x crit jump

Pierce - stays the same

its a shame that life and balance can benefit from this but not myth seems lame pushing myth under the bus on this one hopefully the upcoming dungeon in falls update is way better than these..

Sep 30, 2018
Yah ironically and that tilts me because generally speaking whenever a pack wand is release. All schools have access to them so either they gonna have to re update it or whatever because its just isn't fair for myth and life. The fact that k i allowed ice to get away way with damage now in pvp really show's just how broken the meta has become.