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Critical Chances

Oct 29, 2011
Sorry to post a thread about complaining but it's about time that something like this has been posted around here. This has nothing to do with critical decay by the way so don't get that involved with this. My critical percentage is 66% meaning that I should be getting a critical more than half the time. Ever since I have had that critical percentage I have definitely not been getting criticals as often as I should be. This is very very very annoying and ridiculous. Please fix this, I didn't just spend that much time grinding for my gear only for it to be false.

Sep 19, 2013
If you can tell me how many spells you've cast and how many went critical, I can probably run a significance test to tell you whether or not your critical is within accepted parameters.

Oct 29, 2011
Robobot1747 on Jan 22, 2017 wrote:
If you can tell me how many spells you've cast and how many went critical, I can probably run a significance test to tell you whether or not your critical is within accepted parameters.
I can probably do that on my own but I will assure you that the percentage that shows on my screen is lie to the amount that actually succeed.

Sep 19, 2013
frostednutella on Jan 23, 2017 wrote:
I can probably do that on my own but I will assure you that the percentage that shows on my screen is lie to the amount that actually succeed.
So you have no actual idea of your observed critical rate and yet you're certain that it must be different from the expected one. You're probably simply finding the rarer event of you not criticalling to be more memorable.

Oct 29, 2011
Robobot1747 on Jan 23, 2017 wrote:
So you have no actual idea of your observed critical rate and yet you're certain that it must be different from the expected one. You're probably simply finding the rarer event of you not criticalling to be more memorable.
Actually no, that is an extremely wrong assumption of the occurance. I have always had problems with things not saying the truth about their actual precentage. Power pips, an example, definitely do not occur the way they shoud be. Like I said before, I have an idea, a perfect idea but I don't have something so specific that it blows your mind away.

Oct 01, 2011
frostednutella on Jan 24, 2017 wrote:
Actually no, that is an extremely wrong assumption of the occurance. I have always had problems with things not saying the truth about their actual precentage. Power pips, an example, definitely do not occur the way they shoud be. Like I said before, I have an idea, a perfect idea but I don't have something so specific that it blows your mind away.
A simple way to test this would be take a wand with your school wand hits into a boss (the Jade Oni for example)
and simply wand hit it at least 200 times (Pack reshuffles either as tc or spells) note the times you critical and those you don't. Then figure out the percent from there.

Keep in mind that this whole system is random as in a computer picks a number from 1 to 100 and if its above 66 you don't crit but if its below you do, there is a chance that you will NEVER crit your entire time playing the game, that's just the nature of chance

For a true test we would need 1000 hits
For a test thats even better we would need 10,000 etc
Not having the stats is called an opinion
It is likely that someone has done this already and has the statistics just gotta find them
If there was a large number of complaints I am sure KI could start monitoring criticals to get over 1 million tests easy, if they found an issue they would work on a fix

Oct 24, 2012
When i was level 70 on my Myth I had achieved a whopping 75% critical. One day i had plain bad luck.
I went through about 400-500 lore runs that day with a friend and I only crit about 30 or 40 times.
As Stealthhawk said though Things are displaying incorrectly, I have 11% resist and 10% damage on a pet but it only gives 9% resist and 9% damage. I've had 95% power pips and gotten 4 white pips in a row. I've also had 98% accuracy before and I fizzled thrice in a row.
But there are also times i will have good luck too, Currently working on my balance his pet gives him 10% critical, and I crit a helping hands, a sandstorm, and a scorpion All in a row.
In theory, I think this game is entirely luck based. There's no way to actually calculate a percent unless its 100%.

Apr 24, 2014
it may seem like it makes sense that 66% means you should critical more than half the time but think of it as a spinning wheel with a an arrow at the top pointing down. you spin the wheel each time you cast a spell, meaning you wont 66% of the time get a critical, and maybe sometimes you go for a long stretch with each spell getting a critical. that's the way i see it.