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Banned Friends

May 25, 2016
I know this is a touchy subject, but I have always wondered this. If a friend of yours on ur list gets banned, but you have no way of knowing, since you just can't text them and ask where they been, is there a way u can tell they were banned? Like will they be deleted off your friends list?

Aug 05, 2013
There should be a banned friends list like you get with ignored people.

May 25, 2016
DevinSkullStone on Dec 6, 2016 wrote:
There should be a banned friends list like you get with ignored people.
Ya that or you know how ur true friend's names turn purple? If a friend of urs gets banned their name could turn red on your list indicating they got banned.

Jan 18, 2010
Wolfwhisker on Dec 6, 2016 wrote:
I know this is a touchy subject, but I have always wondered this. If a friend of yours on ur list gets banned, but you have no way of knowing, since you just can't text them and ask where they been, is there a way u can tell they were banned? Like will they be deleted off your friends list?
Even a possible private notification would be nice.

Sep 04, 2016
Its a good question but I think a "Banned Friends" column would kinda be too much and unnecessary. But that's only a opinion.
