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Dark Hound Hatching Rate?

Mar 08, 2009
Hey guys, I've just returned to the game after a few years and really getting into it this time. I'm currently working on getting myself a decent pet for my main (Death) and I settled on the Dark Hound. What I'm doing is breeding every 12 hours for the ones that cost 7500 gold, that way I can snag the pet I want and work on stats later. That being said, I've breeded both my Furious Krokomummy and my starter Midnight Cat nearly 10 times using the pet kiosk now, but all I get is the pet I used to breed and never the Dark Hound? Am I doing something wrong or is that literally just the chance of receiving a more rare pet? Orrrr, am I just incredibly unlucky?

Thanks guys, I hope I'm not throwing away my money for nothing

- Kane DeathWalker

May 26, 2011
I believe that in order to get the pet you want, you need to breed it with that same pet. So, you want a dark hound, go to the hatching kiosk and breed your best pet with a dark hound from the kiosk. You might not get it first try, but you will eventually get a dark hound.