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Use multiple gardening spells at once? (with possible solutions)

Sep 02, 2017
I have gardened for quite awhile and I find it quite annoying that I have to wait through an entire animation just to use another spell. I was wondering if it could be possible for players to use multiple gardening spells at once. I feel like the reason this isn't in the game already is because of effects on screen at once. If this is the case I understand why however, I really hope there is a solution that can resolve this problem in some way.

To quickly mention, I don't want every type of gardening spell to go off, I simply want to use one and then use another one after I click with the first spell (using bees and then immediately water right after clicking for example). This would increase more animations though.

A solution that could help with this is giving players the option to remove animations entirely or just speed them up. I wouldn't mind sitting through an animation as long as it is really quick like 1-2 seconds.

Just wondering if these could be possible. Have a great day!

Oct 24, 2019
DehLeh on May 6, 2020 wrote:
I have gardened for quite awhile and I find it quite annoying that I have to wait through an entire animation just to use another spell. I was wondering if it could be possible for players to use multiple gardening spells at once. I feel like the reason this isn't in the game already is because of effects on screen at once. If this is the case I understand why however, I really hope there is a solution that can resolve this problem in some way.

To quickly mention, I don't want every type of gardening spell to go off, I simply want to use one and then use another one after I click with the first spell (using bees and then immediately water right after clicking for example). This would increase more animations though.

A solution that could help with this is giving players the option to remove animations entirely or just speed them up. I wouldn't mind sitting through an animation as long as it is really quick like 1-2 seconds.

Just wondering if these could be possible. Have a great day!
I'm down for a toggle on Plant Animations.

It's not that more animations is the problem, it's the ability to provide an even ground of features for all players regardless of computer quality. It explains why a bunch of other things COULD be implementable but you have to keep the lesser fortunate in mind.