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need help in grizzlem

Mar 03, 2012
been trying to defeat Skabrok in Surdiland, has any body defeated him, he is from same school as me and my spells to do not work on him, can I get more info or help to defeat, have tried 6 times, the game never comes up with right cards to defeat

Jan 18, 2010
The game doesn't necessarily "determines the card for you to defeat."

You have more control over that than the game.

With that said, have a small deck with just a few cards. In this case, with Skabrok being storm, it shouldn't be that hard.

In your small deck, place a few stormblades, enchants, Kraken, Storm Lords, a Tempest and an elemental blade along with a feint.

In your side deck, you should use treasures as well. Stormblade along with Feint Treasures can be really useful. Put a few storm prisms here as well to draw them easier along with fortify (use this the first round to assist you warding off attacks).

Place the two feints on the boss, a prism, use a couple blades, then attack with an enchanted Storm Lord. If he survives (he shouldn't), just convert again and use tempest or lighting bats or something around that effect.

Try not to stall the battle out too long.

Remember, as a storm, you longer the battle, the more vulnerable you become.

Good Luck!

Mar 03, 2012
he is from balance school , same as me, can you help out with blades, do need blades from my school only to work or can I use blades from different schools, I have treasure cards and when I want to use the one I need, the game selects wrong card, do I discard treasure card to get right one, why is there only 8 cards to choose from,