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Wizard101 Keeps Crashing

Oct 12, 2017
Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to permanently fix the issue with the game crashing. Usually it crashes when I teleport to a friend, go to my house, go to my teleport marker location, going to character selection, anything related to leaving the zone in general. This is a bad thing to deal with especially when i want to stream wiz in the future, and I specifically dont get how this is happening and i have an HP Silver Fusion Laptop, which was around 500 bucks. Includes 4gb DDR4 system memory, 500gb hard drive storage, i forgot about the ram, i think around 400gb, 15.6 diagonal HD SVA Brightview display, and indel pentium gold 4417u gold, im not sure if any of that helps but thats the king of laptop i have. Is there a way to fix it? i also even uninstalled many programs and moved all wizard101 and pirate101 screenshots stored on my laptop to my flashdrive.

The Storm King on Aug 16, 2019 wrote:
Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to permanently fix the issue with the game crashing. Usually it crashes when I teleport to a friend, go to my house, go to my teleport marker location, going to character selection, anything related to leaving the zone in general. This is a bad thing to deal with especially when i want to stream wiz in the future, and I specifically dont get how this is happening and i have an HP Silver Fusion Laptop, which was around 500 bucks. Includes 4gb DDR4 system memory, 500gb hard drive storage, i forgot about the ram, i think around 400gb, 15.6 diagonal HD SVA Brightview display, and indel pentium gold 4417u gold, im not sure if any of that helps but thats the king of laptop i have. Is there a way to fix it? i also even uninstalled many programs and moved all wizard101 and pirate101 screenshots stored on my laptop to my flashdrive.
Greetings! Please contact our support team and we'll be glad to take a look and see what we can do to help you here: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game

Dec 14, 2009
This is a known issue going back several years. I have contacted support about it multiple times, but they don't address it. They keep wanting to examine your system, and not fix what is broken on theirs. The problem started when they switched to the loading screens with art.

Oct 12, 2017
It can also depend on the type of laptop you have, the issue is most commonly known for happening on laptops. I know it seems very vague but computers made 5-10 years ago are like now trashy and will no longer work, such as dell. With any games in general, it can run wiz but it’ll be slow